Mechanics Contest


Monday, July 8, 2024

9:00 am-11:00 am

SUPERINTENDENTS- Christina Thomas, Ali Myers, and Ashley Wagoner

More information: 859-881-8324

All active high school FFA members are eligible to enter the following contests – including students who graduate in the Spring of 2024.


  1. Entries shall be constructed by the FFA members.
  2. Entries must have been constructed under supervision of the contestant’s teacher of Agriculture.
  3. The following will be considered in judging agricultural mechanic entries.
    1. Quality of construction
    2. Skill required in construction
    3. Relation of item to supervised agricultural experience program.
  4. Only one entry of the same plan will be allowed per member in each class.
  5. All entries must be entered by between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 am July 8, 2024.
  6. Premiums will be paid when entries are released. Entries will be released between 10:00 am – 12:00 noon on Saturday July 13. The superintendent will discard all entries after 12:00 noon.
  7. Only one entry per class.
  8. Entries will be judged by Monday, July 8, 2024 @ 3:00 p.m.
  9. Contest will be judged on the Danish System. Danish money for the Agricultural Mechanics will be $100.00.
  10. Exhibitors will be encouraged to make entries in the Kentucky State Fair.
  11. All students exhibiting in Ag. Mechanics must be on the official FFA roster.


AM-1           Individual Ag. Mechanics-Metal- Large

AM-2           Individual Ag. Mechanics-Metal-Medium

AM-3           Individual Ag. Mechanics-Metal-Small

AM-4           Individual Ag. Mechanics-Wood-Large

AM-5           Individual Ag. Mechanics-Wood-Medium

AM-6           Individual Ag. Mechanics-Wood-Small

AM-7           Individual Ag. Mechanics Large Restoration