Our by-laws or other regulations require certain public notices to be posted. You will find those notices on this page.
1/8/2019: The Board of Directors ratified new (revised) by-laws at the January 8, 2019 Board Meeting. Our by-laws include our Articles of Incorporation and rules and regulations for the fair and a framework of governance for how we operate.
Fair Board By-laws – ratified 2019-01-08
Undated and perpetual notices are below:
Meetings: The Board of Directors meets on the second Tuesday of each month at the Jessamine County Extension Office building at the fairgrounds at 6:00 p.m. We do NOT meet in the months of October and December. The July meeting is also cancelled if it conflicts with fair week. Our meetings are open to the public.
Fair location and address:
The fair is held on Fairground Way in Nicholasville, KY. Address numbers are changing at this time but Fairground Way is within the fairgrounds, so that will get you to the fair using any GPS. If you have any troubles, try searching for “Jessamine County Fairgrounds” or “City/County Park” (adjacent to the fairgrounds). The Cooperative Extension Office is within the fairgrounds as well and that address is 95 Park Drive, Nicholasville, KY. Note that we do NOT receive mail at the Fairground Way addresses. See below for mailing addresses.
Fairgrounds use and rental:
The Jessamine County Fairgrounds is owned by Jessamine County Government, not the Fair Association. Rental and use of the fairground facilities are handled by the office of the Jessamine County Judge-Executive. You can reach that office at (859) 885-4500. It should not be assumed that events held at the fairgrounds are connected to or endorsed by the Fair Association.
Principal Office and Process agent:
Jay W. Bruner, President
2466 Keene Troy Pike
Versailles, KY 40383-9305
Phone: (859) 338-4588
Contact information for correspondence:
Debbie Bruner, Secretary
264 E. Canoe Creek Rd.
Lancaster, KY 40444
Phone: (859) 608-9590
Contact information for financial/accounting matters:
John Berryman, Treasurer
1158 Chrisman Mill Rd.
Nicholasville, KY 40356-8289
Phone: (859) 333-9413